Wednesday 21 May 2008

Louise Redvers (Aberdeen Evening Express) - Part 3 of the Joseph Chikelue Obi affair . . .

"A lot of my Cheeky Grampian Friends in Scotland still continue to ask me whether a one Dr Joseph Chikelue Obi would graciously allow a one Editor Louise Redvers to orally do him the honours , if ever he unexpectedly bumped into her again on a Very Lonely Friday Night on Union Street ; now that the Horny Old Miss Redvers currently works for the Aberdeen Evening Express Newspaper.

I warmly (and politely) continue to duly advise them all that that one particular Dr Joseph Chikelue Obi shall ethically continue to leave such passionate little options perfectly open . . . as his speed of Sympathetic Trouser Drop will comprehensively depend on whether her Outrageous Gardnerella Stench has since been industriously tackled by Better Feminine Hygiene and Thorough Medical Supervision . "